Scala 2.11.0-RC4 is now available!

We are very pleased to announce Scala 2.11.0-RC4, the next release candidate of Scala 2.11.0! Download it now from or via Maven Central.

Since RC3, we've fixed two blocker bugs, and admitted some final polish for macros and quasiquotes. Here's the difference between RC4 and RC3.

Please do try out this release candidate to help us find any serious regressions before the final release. The next release candidate (or the final) will be cut on Friday April 11, if there are no unresolved blocker bugs. Our goal is to have the next release be the final -- please help us make sure there are no important regressions!

Code that compiled on 2.10.x without deprecation warnings should compile on 2.11.x (we do no guarantee this for experimental APIs, such as reflection). If not, please file a regression. We are working with the community to ensure availability of the core projects of the Scala 2.11.x eco-system, please see below for a list. This release is not binary compatible with the 2.10.x series, to allow us to keep improving the Scala standard library.

For production use, we recommend the latest stable release, 2.10.4.

The Scala 2.11.x series targets Java 6, with (evolving) experimental support for Java 8. In 2.11.0, Java 8 support is mostly limited to reading Java 8 bytecode and parsing Java 8 source. Stay tuned for more complete (experimental) Java 8 support.

The Scala team and contributors fixed 613 bugs that are exclusive to Scala 2.11.0-RC4! We also backported as many as possible. With the release of 2.11, 2.10 backports will be dialed back.

Since the last RC, we fixed 11 issues via 37 merged pull requests.

A big thank you to everyone who's helped improve Scala by reporting bugs, improving our documentation, participating in mailing lists and other public fora, and -- of course -- submitting and reviewing pull requests! You are all awesome.

Concretely, according to git log --no-merges --oneline master --not 2.10.x --format='%aN' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn, 111 people contributed code, tests, and/or documentation to Scala 2.11.x: Paul Phillips, Jason Zaugg, Eugene Burmako, Adriaan Moors, Den Shabalin, Simon Ochsenreither, A. P. Marki, Miguel Garcia, James Iry, Denys Shabalin, Rex Kerr, Grzegorz Kossakowski, Vladimir Nikolaev, Eugene Vigdorchik, François Garillot, Mirco Dotta, Rüdiger Klaehn, Raphael Jolly, Kenji Yoshida, Paolo Giarrusso, Antoine Gourlay, Hubert Plociniczak, Aleksandar Prokopec, Simon Schaefer, Lex Spoon, Andrew Phillips, Sébastien Doeraene, Luc Bourlier, Josh Suereth, Jean-Remi Desjardins, Vojin Jovanovic, Vlad Ureche, Viktor Klang, Valerian, Prashant Sharma, Pavel Pavlov, Michael Thorpe, Jan Niehusmann, Heejong Lee, George Leontiev, Daniel C. Sobral, Christoffer Sawicki, yllan, rjfwhite, Volkan Yazıcı, Ruslan Shevchenko, Robin Green, Olivier Blanvillain, Lukas Rytz, Iulian Dragos, Ilya Maykov, Eugene Yokota, Erik Osheim, Dan Hopkins, Chris Hodapp, Antonio Cunei, Andriy Polishchuk, Alexander Clare, 杨博, srinivasreddy, secwall, nermin, martijnhoekstra, jinfu-leng, folone, Yaroslav Klymko, Xusen Yin, Trent Ogren, Tobias Schlatter, Thomas Geier, Stuart Golodetz, Stefan Zeiger, Scott Carey, Samy Dindane, Sagie Davidovich, Runar Bjarnason, Roland Kuhn, Roberto Tyley, Robert Nix, Robert Ladstätter, Rike-Benjamin Schuppner, Rajiv, Philipp Haller, Nada Amin, Mike Morearty, Michael Bayne, Mark Harrah, Luke Cycon, Lee Mighdoll, Konstantin Fedorov, Julio Santos, Julien Richard-Foy, Juha Heljoranta, Johannes Rudolph, Jiawei Li, Jentsch, Jason Swartz, James Ward, James Roper, Havoc Pennington, Evgeny Kotelnikov, Dmitry Petrashko, Dmitry Bushev, David Hall, Daniel Darabos, Dan Rosen, Cody Allen, Carlo Dapor, Brian McKenna, Andrey Kutejko, Alden Torres.

Thank you all very much.

If you find any errors or omissions in these relates notes, please submit a PR!

Reporting Bugs / Known Issues

Please file any bugs you encounter. If you're unsure whether something is a bug, please contact the scala-user mailing list.

Before reporting a bug, please have a look at these known issues.

Scala IDE for Eclipse

The Scala IDE with this release built in is available from this update site for Eclipse 4.2/4.3 (Juno/Kepler). Please have a look at the getting started guide for more info.

Available projects

The following Scala projects have already been released against 2.11.0-RC4! We'd love to include yours in this list as soon as it's available -- please submit a PR to update these release notes.

"org.scalacheck"         %% "scalacheck"         % "1.11.3"
"com.typesafe.akka"      %% "akka-actor"         % "2.3.0"
"org.scalatest"          %% "scalatest"          % "2.1.3"
"org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-async"        % "0.9.1"
"org.scalafx"            %% "scalafx"            % "8.0.0-R4"
"com.chuusai"            %% "shapeless"          % "1.2.4"
"com.chuusai"            %% "shapeless"          % "2.0.0"
"org.scalamacros"        %% "paradise"           % "2.0.0-M7"
"org.scalaz"             %% "scalaz-core"        % "7.0.6"
"org.specs2"             %% "specs2"             % "2.3.10"

The following projects were released against 2.11.0-RC3, with an RC4 build hopefully following soon:

"org.scalafx"            %% "scalafx"            % "1.0.0-R8"
"com.github.scopt"       %% "scopt"              % "3.2.0"
"com.nocandysw"          %% "platform-executing" % "0.5.0"
"io.argonaut"            %% "argonaut"           % "6.0.3"
"com.clarifi"            %% "f0"                 % "1.1.1"
"org.parboiled"          %% "parboiled-scala"    % "1.1.6"
"com.sksamuel.scrimage"  %% "scrimage"           % "1.3.16"
"org.scala-stm"          %% "scala-stm"          % "0.7"
"org.monifu"             %% "monifu"             % "0.4"

Cross-building with sbt 0.13

When cross-building between Scala versions, you often need to vary the versions of your dependencies. In particular, the new scala modules (such as scala-xml) are no longer included in scala-library, so you'll have to add an explicit dependency on it to use Scala's xml support.

Here's how we recommend handling this in sbt 0.13. For the full build and Maven build, see example.

scalaVersion        := "2.11.0-RC4"

crossScalaVersions  := Seq("2.11.0-RC4", "2.10.3")

// add scala-xml dependency when needed (for Scala 2.11 and newer)
// this mechanism supports cross-version publishing
libraryDependencies := {
  CrossVersion.partialVersion(scalaVersion.value) match {
    case Some((2, scalaMajor)) if scalaMajor >= 11 =>
      libraryDependencies.value :+ "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.0.1"
    case _ =>

Important changes

For most cases, code that compiled under 2.10.x without deprecation warnings should not be affected. We've verified this by compiling a sizeable number of open source projects.

Changes to the reflection API may cause breakages, but these breakages can be easily fixed in a manner that is source-compatible with Scala 2.10.x. Follow our reflection/macro changelog for detailed instructions.

We've decided to fix the following more obscure deviations from specified behavior without deprecating them first.

  • SI-4577 Compile x match { case _ : Foo.type => } to Foo eq x, as specified. It used to be Foo == x (without warning). If that's what you meant, write case Foo =>.
  • SI-7475 Improvements to access checks, aligned with the spec (see also the linked issues). Most importantly, private members are no longer inherited. Thus, this does not type check: class Foo[T] { private val bar: T = ???; new Foo[String] { bar: String } }, as the bar in bar: String refers to the bar with type T. The Foo[String]'s bar is not inherited, and thus not in scope, in the refinement. (Example from SI-8371, see also SI-8426.)

The following changes were made after a deprecation cycle (Thank you, @soc, for leading the deprecation effort!)

  • SI-6809 Case classes without a parameter list are no longer allowed.
  • SI-7618 Octal number literals no longer supported.

Finally, some notable improvements and bug fixes:

  • SI-7296 Case classes with > 22 parameters are now allowed.
  • SI-3346 Implicit arguments of implicit conversions now guide type inference.
  • SI-6240 Thread safety of reflection API.
  • #3037 Experimental support for SAM synthesis.
  • #2848 Name-based pattern-matching.
  • SI-6169 Infer bounds of Java-defined existential types.
  • SI-6566 Right-hand sides of type aliases are now considered invariant for variance checking.
  • SI-5917 Improve public AST creation facilities.
  • SI-8063 Expose much needed methods in public reflection/macro API.
  • SI-8126 Add -Xsource option (make 2.11 type checker behave like 2.10 where possible).

To catch future changes like this early, you can run the compiler under -Xfuture, which makes it behave like the next major version, where possible, to alert you to upcoming breaking changes.


Deprecation is essential to two of the 2.11.x series' three themes (faster/smaller/stabler). They make the language and the libraries smaller, and thus easier to use and maintain, which ultimately improves stability. We are very proud of Scala's first decade, which brought us to where we are, and we are actively working on minimizing the downsides of this legacy, as exemplified by 2.11.x's focus on deprecation, modularization and infrastructure work.

The following language "warts" have been deprecated:

  • SI-7605 Procedure syntax (only under -Xfuture).
  • SI-5479 DelayedInit. We will continue support for the important extends App idiom. We won't drop DelayedInit until there's a replacement for important use cases. (More details and a proposed alternative.)
  • SI-6455 Rewrite of .withFilter to .filter: you must implement withFilter to be compatible with for-comprehensions.
  • SI-8035 Automatic insertion of () on missing argument lists.
  • SI-6675 Auto-tupling in patterns.
  • SI-7247 NotNull, which was never fully implemented -- slated for removal in 2.12.
  • SI-1503 Unsound type assumption for stable identifier and literal patterns.
  • SI-7629 View bounds (under -Xfuture).

We'd like to emphasize the following library deprecations:

  • #3103, #3191, #3582 Collection classes and methods that are (very) difficult to extend safely have been slated for being marked final. Proxies and wrappers that were not adequately implemented or kept up-to-date have been deprecated, along with other minor inconsistencies.
  • scala-actors is now deprecated and will be removed in 2.12; please follow the steps in the Actors Migration Guide to port to Akka Actors
  • SI-7958 Deprecate scala.concurrent.future and scala.concurrent.promise
  • SI-3235 Deprecate round on Int and Long (#3581).
  • We are looking for maintainers to take over the following modules: scala-swing, scala-continuations. 2.12 will not include them if no new maintainer is found. We will likely keep maintaining the other modules (scala-xml, scala-parser-combinators), but help is still greatly appreciated.

Deprecation is closely linked to source and binary compatibility. We say two versions are source compatible when they compile the same programs with the same results. Deprecation requires qualifying this statement: "assuming there are no deprecation warnings". This is what allows us to evolve the Scala platform and keep it healthy. We move slowly to guarantee smooth upgrades, but we want to keep improving as well!

Binary Compatibility

When two versions of Scala are binary compatible, it is safe to compile your project on one Scala version and link against another Scala version at run time. Safe run-time linkage (only!) means that the JVM does not throw a (subclass of) LinkageError when executing your program in the mixed scenario, assuming that none arise when compiling and running on the same version of Scala. Concretely, this means you may have external dependencies on your run-time classpath that use a different version of Scala than the one you're compiling with, as long as they're binary compatibile. In other words, separate compilation on different binary compatible versions does not introduce problems compared to compiling and running everything on the same version of Scala.

We check binary compatibility automatically with MiMa. We strive to maintain a similar invariant for the behavior (as opposed to just linkage) of the standard library, but this is not checked mechanically (Scala is not a proof assistant so this is out of reach for its type system).

Forwards and Back

We distinguish forwards and backwards compatibility (think of these as properties of a sequence of versions, not of an individual version). Maintaining backwards compatibility means code compiled on an older version will link with code compiled with newer ones. Forwards compatibility allows you to compile on new versions and run on older ones.

Thus, backwards compatibility precludes the removal of (non-private) methods, as older versions could call them, not knowing they would be removed, whereas forwards compatibility disallows adding new (non-private) methods, because newer programs may come to depend on them, which would prevent them from running on older versions (private methods are exempted here as well, as their definition and call sites must be in the same compilation unit).

These are strict constraints, but they have worked well for us in the Scala 2.10.x series. They didn't stop us from fixing 372 issues in the 2.10.x series post 2.10.0. The advantages are clear, so we will maintain this policy in the 2.11.x series, and are looking (but not yet commiting!) to extend it to include major versions in the future.


Note that so far we've only talked about the jars generated by scalac for the standard library and reflection. Our policies do not extend to the meta-issue: ensuring binary compatibility for bytecode generated from identical sources, by different version of scalac? (The same problem exists for compiling on different JDKs.) While we strive to achieve this, it's not something we can test in general. Notable examples where we know meta-binary compatibility is hard to achieve: specialisation and the optimizer.

In short, if binary compatibility of your library is important to you, use MiMa to verify compatibility before releasing. Compiling identical sources with different versions of the scala compiler (or on different JVM versions!) could result in binary incompatible bytecode. This is rare, and we try to avoid it, but we can't guarantee it will never happen.


Just like the 2.10.x series, we guarantee forwards and backwards compatibility of the "org.scala-lang" % "scala-library" % "2.11.x" and "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % "2.11.x" artifacts, except for anything under the scala.reflect.internal package, as scala-reflect is still experimental. We also strongly discourage relying on the stability of scala.concurrent.impl and scala.reflect.runtime, though we will only break compatibility for severe bugs here.

Note that we will only enforce backwards binary compatibility for the new modules (artifacts under the groupId org.scala-lang.modules). As they are opt-in, it's less of a burden to require having the latest version on the classpath. (Without forward compatibility, the latest version of the artifact must be on the run-time classpath to avoid linkage errors.)

Finally, Scala 2.11.0 introduces scala-library-all to aggregate the modules that constitute a Scala release. Note that this means it does not provide forward binary compatibility, whereas the core scala-library artifact does. We consider the versions of the modules that "scala-library-all" % "2.11.x" depends on to be the canonical ones, that are part of the official Scala distribution. (The distribution itself is defined by the new scala-dist maven artifact.)

New features in the 2.11 series

This release contains all of the bug fixes and improvements made in the 2.10 series, as well as:

  • Collections
    • Immutable HashMaps and HashSets perform faster filters, unions, and the like, with improved structural sharing (lower memory usage or churn).
    • Mutable LongMap and AnyRefMap have been added to provide improved performance when keys are Long or AnyRef (performance enhancement of up to 4x or 2x respectively).
    • BigDecimal is more explicit about rounding and numeric representations, and better handles very large values without exhausting memory (by avoiding unnecessary conversions to BigInt).
    • List has improved performance on map, flatMap, and collect.
    • See also Deprecation above: we have slated many classes and methods to become final, to clarify which classes are not meant to be subclassed and to facilitate future maintenance and performance improvements.
  • Modularization
    • The core Scala standard library jar has shed 20% of its bytecode. The modules for xml, parsing, swing as well as the (unsupported) continuations plugin and library are available individually or via scala-library-all. Note that this artifact has weaker binary compatibility guarantees than scala-library -- as explained above.
    • The compiler has been modularized internally, to separate the presentation compiler, scaladoc and the REPL. We hope this will make it easier to contribute. In this release, all of these modules are still packaged in scala-compiler.jar. We plan to ship them in separate JARs in 2.12.x.
  • Reflection, macros and quasiquotes
    • Please see this detailed changelog that lists all significant changes and provides advice on forward and backward compatibility.
    • See also this summary of the experimental side of the 2.11 development cycle.
    • #3321 introduced Sprinter, a new AST pretty-printing library! Very useful for tools that deal with source code.
  • Back-end
    • The GenBCode back-end (experimental in 2.11). See @magarciaepfl's extensive documentation.
    • A new experimental way of compiling closures, implemented by @JamesIry. With -Ydelambdafy:method anonymous functions are compiled faster, with a smaller bytecode footprint. This works by keeping the function body as a private (static, if no this reference is needed) method of the enclosing class, and at the last moment during compilation emitting a small anonymous class that extends FunctionN and delegates to it. This sets the scene for a smooth migration to Java 8-style lambdas (not yet implemented).
    • Branch elimination through constant analysis #2214
  • Compiler Performance
    • Incremental compilation has been improved significantly. To try it out, upgrade to sbt 0.13.2-M2 and add incOptions := incOptions.value.withNameHashing(true) to your build! Other build tools are also supported. More info at this sbt issue -- that's where most of the work happened. More features are planned, e.g. class-based tracking.
    • We've been optimizing the batch compiler's performance as well, and will continue to work on this during the 2.11.x cycle.
    • Improve performance of reflection SI-6638
  • IDE
  • REPL
  • Warnings
    • Warn about unused private / local terms and types, and unused imports, under -Xlint. This will even tell you when a local var could be a val.
  • Slimming down the compiler
    • The experimental .NET backend has been removed from the compiler.
    • Scala 2.10 shipped with new implementations of the Pattern Matcher and the Bytecode Emitter. We have removed the old implementations.
    • Search and destroy mission for ~5000 chunks of dead code. #1648

License clarification

Scala is now distributed under the standard 3-clause BSD license. Originally, the same 3-clause BSD license was adopted, but slightly reworded over the years, and the "Scala License" was born. We're now back to the standard formulation to avoid confusion.

A big thank you to all the contributors!

# | Author ---: | --- 68 | Adriaan Moors 40 | Iain McGinniss 9 | Jason Zaugg 7 | Denys Shabalin 5 | Eugene Burmako 5 | Simon Ochsenreither 4 | A. P. Marki 1 | Grzegorz Kossakowski 1 | François Garillot

Commits and the issues they fixed since v2.11.0-RC3

Issue(s) | Commit | Message --- | --- | --- SI-8466 | 9fbac09 | SI-8466 fix quasiquote crash on recursively iterable unlifting SI-7291, SI-8460 | 1c330e6 | SI-8460 Fix regression in divergent implicit recovery SI-8460 | 5e795fc | Refactor handling of failures in implicit search SI-6054 | 91fb5c0 | SI-6054 Modern eta-expansion examples that almost run SI-5610, SI-6069 | b3adae6 | SI-6069 Preserve by-name during eta-expansion SI-6054 | 3fb5acc | SI-6054 don't use the defunct List.map2 in example SI-5136 | 71e45e0 | SI-5136 correct return type for unapplySeq SI-6195 | aa6e4b3 | SI-6195 stable members can only be overridden by stable members SI-5605 | 1921528 | SI-5605 case class equals only considers first param section SI-6054 | 51f3ac1 | SI-6054 correct eta-expansion in method value using placeholder syntax SI-5155 | 3c0d964 | SI-5155 xml patterns do not support cdata, entity refs or comments SI-5089 | 84bba26 | SI-5089 update definition implicit scope in terms of parts of a type SI-7313 | 227e11d | SI-7313 method types of implicit and non-implicit parameter sections are never e SI-7672 | 7be2a6c | SI-7672 explicit top-level import of Predef precludes implicit one SI-5370 | aa64187 | SI-5370 PartialFunction is a Function with queryable domain SI-4980 | 4615ec5 | SI-4980 isInstanceOf does not do outer checks SI-1972 | f0b37c2 | SI-1972 clarify getter and setter must be declared together SI-5086 | 5135bae | SI-5086 clean up EBNF SI-5065 | 32e0943 | SI-5065 val/var is optional for a constructor parameter SI-5209 | 64b7338 | SI-5209 correct precedence of infix operators starting with ! = SI-4249 | e197cf8 | SI-4249 try/catch accepts expression SI-7937 | d614228 | SI-7937 In for, semi before guard never required SI-4583 | 19ab789 | SI-4583 UnicodeEscape does not allow multiple backslashes SI-8388 | 0bac64d | SI-8388 consistently match type trees by originals SI-8387 | f10d754 | SI-8387 don't match new as a function application SI-8350 | 2fea950 | SI-8350 treat single parens equivalently to no-parens in new SI-8451 | a0c3bbd | SI-8451 quasiquotes now handle quirks of secondary constructors SI-8437 | 9326264 | SI-8437 macro runtime now also picks inherited macro implementations SI-8411 | 5e23a6a | SI-8411 match desugared partial functions SI-8200 | fa91b17 | SI-8200 provide an identity liftable for trees SI-7902 | 5f4011e | [backport] SI-7902 Fix spurious kind error due to an unitialized symbol SI-8205 | 8ee165c | SI-8205 [nomaster] backport test pos.lineContent SI-8126, SI-6566 | 806b6e4 | Backports library changes related to SI-6566 from a419799 SI-8146, SI-8146, SI-8146, SI-8146 | ff13742 | [nomaster] SI-8146 Fix non-deterministic <:< for deeply nested types SI-8420 | b6a54a8 | SI-8420 don't crash on unquoting of non-liftable native type SI-8428 | aa1e1d0 | SI-8428 Refactor ConcatIterator SI-8428 | 1fa46a5 | SI-8428 Fix regression in iterator concatenation

Complete commit list!

sha | Title ---: | --- 2ba0453 | Further tweak version of continuations plugin in scala-dist.pom 9fbac09 | SI-8466 fix quasiquote crash on recursively iterable unlifting afccae6 | Refactor rankImplicits, add some more docs d345424 | Refactor: keep DivergentImplicitRecovery logic together. 1c330e6 | SI-8460 Fix regression in divergent implicit recovery 5e795fc | Refactor handling of failures in implicit search 8489be1 | Rebase #3665 63783f5 | Disable more of the Travis spec build for PR validation 9cc0911 | Minor typographical fixes for lexical syntax chapter f40d63a | Don't mention C# bb2a952 | Reducing overlap of code and math. 3a75252 | Simplify CSS, bigger monospace to match math 91fb5c0 | SI-6054 Modern eta-expansion examples that almost run b3adae6 | SI-6069 Preserve by-name during eta-expansion a89157f | Stubs for references chapter, remains TODO 0b48dc2 | Number files like chapters. Consolidate toc & preface. 0f1dcc4 | Minor cleanup in aisle README 6ec6990 | Skip step bound to fail in Travis PR validation 12720e6 | Remove scala-continuations-plugin from scala-library-all 3560ddc | Start ssh-agent b102ffc | Disable strict host checking 0261598 | Jekyll generated html in spec/ directory 71c1716 | Add language to code blocks. Shorter Example title. abd0895 | Fix #6: automatic section numbering. 5997e32 | #9 try to avoid double slashes in url 09f2a26 | require redcarpet 3.1 for user-friendly anchors f16ab43 | use simple quotes, fix indent, escape dollar 5629529 | liquid requires SSA? 128c5e8 | sort pages in index 8dba297 | base url 3df5773 | formatting 7307a03 | TODO: number headings using css 617bdf8 | mathjax escape dollar a1275c4 | TODO: binding example c61f554 | fix indentation for footnotes 52898fa | allow math in code 827f5f6 | redcarpet 0bc3ec9 | formatting 2f3d0fd | Jekyll 2 config for redcarpet 3.1.1 e6ecfd0 | That was fun: fix internal links. d8a09e2 | formatting 9c757bb | fix some links 453625e | wip: jekyllify 3fb5acc | SI-6054 don't use the defunct List.map2 in example 71e45e0 | SI-5136 correct return type for unapplySeq aa6e4b3 | SI-6195 stable members can only be overridden by stable members 1921528 | SI-5605 case class equals only considers first param section 51f3ac1 | SI-6054 correct eta-expansion in method value using placeholder syntax 78d96ea | formatting: tables and headings 3c0d964 | SI-5155 xml patterns do not support cdata, entity refs or comments 84bba26 | SI-5089 update definition implicit scope in terms of parts of a type 227e11d | SI-7313 method types of implicit and non-implicit parameter sections are never e 7be2a6c | SI-7672 explicit top-level import of Predef precludes implicit one aa64187 | SI-5370 PartialFunction is a Function with queryable domain 4615ec5 | SI-4980 isInstanceOf does not do outer checks f0b37c2 | SI-1972 clarify getter and setter must be declared together 5135bae | SI-5086 clean up EBNF 32e0943 | SI-5065 val/var is optional for a constructor parameter 64b7338 | SI-5209 correct precedence of infix operators starting with ! = 1130d10 | formatting e197cf8 | SI-4249 try/catch accepts expression 622ffd4 | wip d614228 | SI-7937 In for, semi before guard never required 507e58b | github markdown: tables 09c957b | github markdown: use ###### for definitions and notes 9fb8276 | github markdown: use ###### for examples 19ab789 | SI-4583 UnicodeEscape does not allow multiple backslashes 1ca2095 | formatting b75812d | Mention WIP in README 9031467 | Catch up with latex spec. 21ca2cf | convert {\em } to ... 37ef8a2 | github markdown: numbered definition b44c598 | github markdown: code blocks 9dec37b | github markdown: drop css classes df2f3f7 | github markdown: headers 839fd6e | github markdown: numbered lists fa4aba5 | new build options b71a2c1 | updated d8f0a93 | rendering error fix ab8f966 | added tex source build a80a894 | Typographical adjustments 34eb920 | Fix fonts to enable both old-style and lining numerals 8f1bd7f | Over-wide line fix for types grammar 9cee383 | Replaced build script with make file 3f339c8 | Minor pagination tweak 50ce322 | Miscellaneous cleanups: 2311e34 | fix poorly labeled section links fix over-wide grammar text e7ade69 | Use the original type faces 2c21733 | Adjust layout 54273a3 | set Luxi Mono and Heuristica (Utopia) as the default fonts for monospace and mai 1352994 | use \sigma instead of raw unicode character in math mode, as it does not render 7691d7f | added build step for ebook 9a8134a | PDF building now working with pandoc 1.10.1 ab50eec | using standard markdown for numbered lists (hopefully better rendering on github 94198c7 | fixed reference to class diagram fixed undefined macro ea177a2 | fixed inline code block cdaeb84 | fixed inline code blocks fixed math array for PDF output 1ec5965 | fixed inline code blocks removed LaTeX labels converted TODOs to comments 3404f54 | fix for undefined macro 990d4f0 | fixed undefined macros and converted comment block 580d5d6 | fix for unicode character conversion error in producing PDF fix for grammar code 1847283 | standard library chapter converted 7066c70 | converted xml expressions and user defined annotations chapters dc958b2 | fixed minor math layout and unsupported commands 2f67c76 | Converted pattern matching chapter a327584 | Implicit Parameters and Values chapter converted a368e9c | expressions chapter converted, some math-mode errors still exist fd283b6 | conversion of classes and objects chapter 79833dc | converted syntax summary b871ec6 | basic declarations and definitions chapter converted, needs second-pass review. bb53357 | types chapter fully converted. Added link to jquery and some experimental code f 3340862 | accidentally committed OS resource eb3e02a | MathJAX configuration for inline math inside code blocks a805b04 | interim commit of conversion of types chapter 7d50d8f | - Grouping of text for examples in Lexical Syntax chapter fixed - Style of examp f938a7c | Identifiers, Names and Scopes chapter converted. Minor CSS tweaks to make exampl 7c16776 | removed some stray LaTeX commands from Lexical Syntax chapter, and a back-refere 82435f1 | experimental restyling of examples to try and look a bit more like the original 4f86c27 | fixed missing newline between example text and delimited code expression 5e2a788 | preface and lexical syntax chapter converted, other chapters split into their ow 0bac64d | SI-8388 consistently match type trees by originals f10d754 | SI-8387 don't match new as a function application 2fea950 | SI-8350 treat single parens equivalently to no-parens in new a0c3bbd | SI-8451 quasiquotes now handle quirks of secondary constructors 9326264 | SI-8437 macro runtime now also picks inherited macro implementations 5e23a6a | SI-8411 match desugared partial functions f9a5880 | introduces Mirror.typeOf fa91b17 | SI-8200 provide an identity liftable for trees db300d4 | [backport] no longer warns on calls to vampire macros a16e003 | Bump version to 2.10.5 for nightly builds. 5f4011e | [backport] SI-7902 Fix spurious kind error due to an unitialized symbol 8ee165c | SI-8205 [nomaster] backport test pos.lineContent d167f14 | [nomaster] corrects an error in reify’s documentation 806b6e4 | Backports library changes related to SI-6566 from a419799 ff13742 | [nomaster] SI-8146 Fix non-deterministic <:< for deeply nested types cbb88ac | [nomaster] Update MiMa and use new wildcard filter b6a54a8 | SI-8420 don't crash on unquoting of non-liftable native type aa1e1d0 | SI-8428 Refactor ConcatIterator 1fa46a5 | SI-8428 Fix regression in iterator concatenation ff02fda | Bump versions for 2.11.0-RC3