Minutes from Aug SIP/SLIP Meeting

Written By: Dick Wall

SIP/SLIP Meeting, Aug 20th 2015

Video of Aug Meeting

Video of Aug meeting

Opening Matters

This is a short post, it has been superseded by the September minutes but is included here for completeness. What follows is just a brief outline of what was covered, for the full record, please see the video above.

Erik Osheim was invited to serve on the SLIP committee and this was his first meeting. Erik will be known to many in the community as, among other things, a member of the Typelevel organization and a primary contributor to cats in addition to his work on spire and very, very much more.

Sébastien Doeraene has also been identified as a desired member of the SLIP committee, in particular to represent Scala.JS interests. He will be invited to serve.

SIP/SLIP Summary

A number of SIPs and SLIPs were considered, with the following decisions: