It is recommended that you follow the tutorials in the provided order.
Building A Vessel Network - build vessel networks manually and with a generator, read and write networks from file.
A Lattice Based Tumour Model - a 2D lattice based tumour simulation with discrete cells, chemical transport and a growing vessel network.
An Off-Lattice Angiogenesis Model - a 3D off-lattice angiogenesis simulation of a corneal micropocket experiment.
Tumour Growth In A Real Vessel Network - a 3D mixed lattice/off-lattice tumour growth simulation in a real vessel network.
Building A Vessel Network - build vessel networks manually and with a generator, read and write networks from file.
A Lattice Based Tumour Model - a 2D lattice based tumour simulation with discrete cells, chemical transport and a growing vessel network.
An Off-Lattice Angiogenesis Model - a 3D off-lattice angiogenesis simulation of a corneal micropocket experiment.
Tumour Growth In A Real Vessel Network - a 3D mixed lattice/off-lattice tumour growth simulation in a real vessel network.
Cell Only
These tutorials come with the corresponding PyChaste package and use cells only.
Simulating a Scratch Assay - setting up a simple cellular automaton, 3D visualization and real-time plotting.
Simulating Spheroid Growth - setting up an off-lattice cell population and reaction-diffusion PDEs.
Simulating a Epithelial Sheet Tensile Test - setting up a Vertex based cell population and using polymorphism for time varying boundary conditions.
Simulating Cell Sorting - setting up a Potts based simulation and labelling cells.
Running Mesh Based Simulations - the simplest (and first to be implemented in Chaste) type of cell-based simulation.
Running Node Based Simulations - includes details of how to simplify cell-based tests.
Running Vertex Based Simulations - includes adding boundary conditions and removing cells from simulations.
Running Potts Based Simulations - lattice-based simulations.